Effect of salinity on seed germination, growth and ion content in dimorphic seeds of Salicornia europaea L. (Chenopodiaceae)
作者:Nikolai; Orlovsky; Ulbasyn; Japakova; Huifan; Zhang; Sergei; Volis The; J.; Blaustein; Institutes; for; Desert; Research; Ben-Gurion; University; of; the; Negev; POB; 84990; Israel; Scientific; Center; of; Plant; Production; "Botanika"; of; Uzbek; Academy; of; Sciences; 2; F.; Khodjaev; Str..; 700143; Tashkent; Uzbekistan; Key; Laboratory; for; Plant; Diversity; and; Biogeography; of; East; Asia; Kunming; Institute; of; Botany; Chinese; Academy; of; Sciences; Kunming; 650204; China