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時(shí)間:2023-03-07 15:15:53




Good morning, dear judges, my name is jiangli. It is my great honor to stand here to interpret my lesson. My presentation consists of the following parts: analysis of teaching content, analysis of students, teaching aims, teaching key and difficult points, teaching methods, teaching aids, teaching procedures, summaryand homework and finally blackboarddesign.

1. Analysis of teaching content

Let me start with analysis of teaching content. The topic of this passage is ......After learning this passage, students are able to.....also, students can......

2. Analysis ofstudents

Secondly, let’s talk about the ss. Ss in junior middle school......

(1) Existing knowledge and ability: have already mastered certain words and phrase/ have already learned the grammar

(2) Cognitiveandthinkingcharacteristics:areactive,curiousandinterestedin, but they may havedifficulties


(3) Life or daily experience: are familiar with this experience/ haveexperienced......

(4) Hobbies and interests: will be excited about this topic, and willing to express themselves/ participate in classroomactivities

3. Teaching aims

According to the new curriculum standard in English, the lesson adopts a three dimensional teaching aim.

(1) Knowledge aim

By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to

A. Master thegrammar...()

B. Expand their vocabularyabout...

C. Express themselves with correctpronunciation....

D. Get familiar with the topic of...

(2) Abilityaim

By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to

A. Improve their listening/speaking/reading/writing skills

B. Use skimming to get the main idea, and scanning to locate specificinformation

C. Use...tocommunicate/useto solveproblems/

(3) Emotionalaim

By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to

A. Improve their interest inEnglish

B. Improve their sense ofcooperation

C. Understand the culture differences in....../get closetotheculture and broaden theirhorizons

4. Teaching key and difficultpoints

Thekeypointistoleadsstofindoutthestructureof/ to form the habit of reading inchunks

The difficult point is to help students use ....to...in their daily life./ have a better understanding of cooperationand loveto share resources withothers(品德方面的)

5. Teaching methods

In this lesson, I will mainly use......

A. communicative languageapproach

B. Situational teachingmethod

C. Audio-lingual teachingmethod

D. Task-based teachingmethod

E. Inductive teachingmethod

I think in this way, students can ......

6. Teaching aids

To interest my ss, i will use ... as my teaching aids.

A. (Realobject)

B. (teaching materials) Pictures, word cards,video

C. (activity) Preview,survey,questionnaire

7. Teachingprocedures


Let’s come to the most important part of the lesson, the analysis of teaching procedures. It can be divided into 5 steps,that is, warming-up, pre-listening, while-listening, post-listening and summary and homework.


In this period, i will....and after..., i will ask ss ...question1..question2, and then tell ss this song is about ....

(1) Thematically: This song/video/ these pictures is closely related to the topic of this lesson. /ss can have a primary understanding of thetopic

(2) Affectively, ...so students would be highly motivated/ be very glad to pay their attentiontothis lesson/ ss’s interests will be aroused and attention can beattracted

(3) Linguistically:thissongalsoincludealotof...sothatsscouldreviewsomerelatedwords

from it


In the pre-listening stage, there are 2 activities:

Activity 1: is a free talk. I will show a picture...and ask some ss to talk about the questions.questions 123....

This activity can help ss recall some words and expressions.

Activity 2: is predicting. Ask ss to predict what this passage talks about according to the topic they have talked. The purpose of the activity is to develop their predictingability.


In the step of while-listening, students will listen to the tape for three times. For the first time of listening, ss should answer some general questions:

-what’s the main idea of this passage/conversation?

-which one is the best title of this passage Then i will check the answers with them.

Through this section, ss could know the main idea of this passage.

Next, i will play the listening material again, and ask them to finish some exercises.

-listen and decide which statement is correct

-fill in the blanks

In this section, ss will develop some basic skills of listening, that is, to grasp the key words. Also, they can deepe

For the last listening, i will play the listening material and ask them to read after it. Ss can check understanding and develop the habit of reflection。



In the post-reading stage, i set a role-play activity. Ss will be divided into...groups.Imagine one student...theothersactasthey canusethe wordsandexpressions that we’ve learned in the

while-stage. I willgivethemminutes.Theniwillinviteseveralgroupstoperforminfrontofthe

class. During their preparation, i will walk around the classroom to see whether ss have some questions. After their performance, i will give my comment and try to encourage them.

Role-play is an interesting activity. Ss can be highly motivated and take part in actively. The activity can integrate reading with speaking, develop their communicative competence and

promote their cooperative ability.

Summary&ho mework

The last step is summary and homework.

As for summary, I will ask one student to conclude what we have learned this class. And then make a summary together.

The purpose of this step is to let ss recall what we’ve learnt today, and consolidate key words and sentencestructures.

After class, students arerequiredtoThis can help consolidate today’slearning.


Let’s come to the most important part of the lesson, the analysis of teaching procedures. It can be divided into 5 steps,that is, warming-up, pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading and summary and homework.


In this period, i will....and after..., i will ask ss ...question1..question2, and then tell ss these pictures are about ....

(4) Thematically: This song/video/ these pictures is closely related to the topic of this lesson. /ss can have a primary understanding of thetopic

(5) Affectively,sostudentswouldbehighlymotivated/beverygladtopaytheirattentiontothis

lesson/ ss’s interests will be aroused and attention can be attracted

Linguistically: this song/these pictures also include a lot of key words and key structures, so that ss could review some related words fromit


In the pre-reading stage, there are 2 activities:

Activity 1: is a free talk. I will show a picture...and ask some ss to talk about the questions.questions 123....

This activity can help ss recall some words and expressions.

Activity 2: is predicting. Ask ss to predict what this passage talks about according to thetopic they have talked. The purpose of the activity is to develop their predictingability.


For the first time of reading, students should answer some general questions:

-what’s the main idea of this passage/conversation?

-which one is the best title of this passage Then i will check the answers with them.

This step can help them understand the main idea and main structure of this passage, they can also improve their reading speed in this way.

After ss get the general idea, they need to read the passage paragraph by paragraph and find some detailed information. For example, i will askquestionslikei will guide them to answer.all

these questions will be graded from easy to difficult.I will give them several minutes each time. This section can develop ss’ scanning strategies, and also promote their cognitivethinking.

For the third time of reading, i will ask students do some exercises to learn the key words and expressions in the passage to improve students’ linguistic competence.



In the post-reading stage, i set a role-play activity. Ss will be divided into...groups.Imagine one student...the others act as....they can use the words and expressions that we’ve learned in the while-stage. I will give them ...minutes. Then i will invite several groups to perform in front of the class. During their preparation, i will walk around the classroom to see whether ss have some questions. After their performance, i will give my comment and try to encourage them.


activitycan check ss’mastery of thetargetlanguage,integratereadingwith speaking, develop

their communicative competence and promote their cooperative ability.

Summary&ho mework

The last step is summary and homework.

As for summary, I will ask one student to conclude what we have learned this class. And then make a summary together.

The purpose of this step is to let ss recall what we’ve learnt today, and consolidate key wordsand sentencestructures.

After class, students are required to .....This can integrate reading with writing, and promote

students’ ability of creativity and independent thinking.

8. Blackboarddesign

Here are my blackboard design. I set 3 parts to present my contents of this class. The firstpartis, thesecond

part is ....and the finalpartisin this way, ss can see the content we’ve learned today clearly andorderly.

That’s all for my presentation. Thank you for your attention.


Good morning, dear judges, my name is jiangli. It is my great honor to stand here to interpret my lesson. My presentation consists of the following parts: analysis of teaching content, analysis of students, teaching aims, teaching key and difficult points, teaching methods, teaching aids, teaching procedures, summaryand homework and finally blackboarddesign.

1. analysis of teachingmaterial

Let me start with analysis of teaching content. The topic of this lesson is through this lesson, ss will know

how to they can express their views properly and logically.

2. Analysis ofss

Secondly, let’s talk about the ss. Ss in junior middle school......

(1) Existing knowledge and ability: have already mastered certain words andphrase.

(2) Cognitiveandthinkingcharacteristics:areactive,curiousandinterestedin, but they may havedifficulties


(3) Life or daily experience: are familiar with this experience/ haveexperienced......

(4) Hobbies and interests: will be excited about this topic, and willing to express their opinionsfreely.

what i need to do is to broaden their horizons and inspire them. Of course, we should also pay attention to the accuracy and appropriateness of their language.

3. teachingaims

According to the new curriculum standard in English, the lesson adopts a three dimensional teaching aim.

(1) Knowledgeaim

By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to Master the expression such as ...

(2) Abilityaim

By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to Master the organizing structure of ...

improve their writing skills Be familiar with the topic of

(3) Emotionalaim

By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to Improve their interest in English writing Improve their sense of cooperation

4. Teaching key & difficultpoints

The key point is to lead ss to use the structure of

The difficult point is to help students use ....to...in their daily life.

5. Teaching methods Process approach towriting

Which not pay attention to the product of writing, also but the activities before and after writing

6. Teachingprocedures


Let’s come to the most important part of the lesson, the analysis of teaching procedures. It can be divided into 5 steps,that is, warming-up, pre-listening, while-listening, post-listening and summary and homework.


In this period, i will show ss some pictures. And talk freely.these pictures are closely related to the topic of this lesson. During the free talk, we will review some key words and structure.

The purpose is to prepare ss linguistically, thematically and affectively. so students would be highly motivated/ be very glad to pay their attention to this lesson/ ss’s interests will bearoused and attention can beattracted.


In the pre-writing stage,i will create a situation and ask ss questions:


Then i will encourage ss to brainstorm in their groups. They have 5 minutes to prepare. By a lively discussion, students will have materials in mind and will be interested in writing.

then i will invite several groups to share their ideas with us. I will present the key points on the blackboard, such as...also, i will work out the outline with students together.

This step can lay a good foundation for the writing step, through this activity, ss will be inspired and they can accumulate more information about the topic and alsolearn to

communicate their ideas with others.


Based on the above discussion, it will be much easier for them to complete their articles individually within ten minutes. They need to pay attention to the spelling, grammar and punctuation in writing.

The purpose of this step is that ss can focus on writing and promote independent thinking.


Peer editing:

After they finish the writing, i will ask my ss to exchange their articles with their deskmates and check the organization, grammar, spelling, and punctuation of their writings. I will ask my ss to evaluate the writing in detail and point out advantages and disadvantages.

Peer editing is a very useful way for ss to revise their articles, and it also can foster their spirit

of cooperation with others.

Summary&ho mework

The last step is summary and homework.

As for summary, I will ask one student to conclude what we have learned this class. And then make a summary together.

The purpose of this step is to let ss recall what we’ve learnt today, and consolidate key words and sentence structures.

After class, students are required to polish up their articles. By doing this, ss will consolidate


【關(guān)鍵詞】初中聽(tīng)說(shuō)教學(xué) 存在問(wèn)題 解決策略

【Abstract】English is a language,the language cannot leave heard that,the two complement each other,inseparable.This paper analyzes some problems existing in current junior middle school teaching,puts forward the corresponding countermeasure,to enhance the importance of teachers’ understanding of teaching listening,heard that teaching mutual,correct understanding,in order to increase the effectiveness of teaching.

【Key words】junior high school teaching problem; solving strategy
























美國(guó)心理語(yǔ)言學(xué)家Wilga M. Rivers認(rèn)為,聽(tīng)的過(guò)程不僅是一個(gè)接收的過(guò)程而且還是一個(gè)建立的過(guò)程。第一階段是感覺(jué)階段,學(xué)習(xí)者能粗略地識(shí)別,根據(jù)自己學(xué)習(xí)第一語(yǔ)言的經(jīng)驗(yàn)對(duì)所聽(tīng)的材料進(jìn)行初步的切分音段,這基本上是一個(gè)被動(dòng)和接收的階段。第二階段是識(shí)別階段,學(xué)習(xí)者把所接收的信號(hào)一個(gè)一個(gè)地加以識(shí)別,把已經(jīng)識(shí)別的與正在識(shí)別的聯(lián)系起來(lái),這個(gè)識(shí)別過(guò)程是積極的、細(xì)致的。第三階段為領(lǐng)悟和建立階段,學(xué)習(xí)者通過(guò)認(rèn)知系統(tǒng)重復(fù)一遍所聽(tīng)的材料,而且不時(shí)地把已經(jīng)理解的東西與聽(tīng)到的加以對(duì)照和修正,通過(guò)重新理解,使所聽(tīng)材料成為一種比較容易保留的形式被存入記憶里。這樣,理解了的材料得到了改變,被保留下來(lái)的是語(yǔ)義信息。



1. 有效利用課堂教學(xué)資源,加強(qiáng)聽(tīng)力訓(xùn)練,增加語(yǔ)言輸入與儲(chǔ)備。筆者不但堅(jiān)持在課堂上大量聽(tīng),廣泛聽(tīng),聽(tīng)電臺(tái),聽(tīng)電視臺(tái)英語(yǔ)廣播,聽(tīng)英文歌曲等,同時(shí)還要求學(xué)生大量說(shuō),廣泛說(shuō)英語(yǔ),幫助他們養(yǎng)成大聲朗誦英語(yǔ)的習(xí)慣,教他們學(xué)唱英文歌曲等。并且落實(shí)每周三、周五早讀的英語(yǔ)聽(tīng)力訓(xùn)練,還針對(duì)普遍的錯(cuò)誤進(jìn)行講評(píng),要求學(xué)生背誦聽(tīng)力材料中優(yōu)美的段落等。

2. 堅(jiān)持要求學(xué)生課前三分鐘講英語(yǔ)。筆者先編寫(xiě)具代表性的報(bào)告范文,印發(fā)給學(xué)生,選定幾名語(yǔ)音語(yǔ)調(diào)好的學(xué)生先做值日示范,再由全班同學(xué)輪流做值日?qǐng)?bào)告。報(bào)告內(nèi)容可以是學(xué)校生活、小故事和自由談話等。最初可按如下幾個(gè)程序進(jìn)行:“I’m on duty today. Today is Monday. It’s cloudy today. We are all here...”隨著句型、詞匯的增多,學(xué)生還可按當(dāng)天實(shí)際情況增加內(nèi)容,應(yīng)用剛學(xué)的詞匯和句型進(jìn)行操練。筆者還引導(dǎo)鼓勵(lì)學(xué)生有計(jì)劃地進(jìn)行鞏固所學(xué)知識(shí)的口語(yǔ)訓(xùn)練及一些交際性訓(xùn)練。

3. 將讀聽(tīng)教學(xué)結(jié)合起來(lái),通過(guò)閱讀傳授必要的聽(tīng)力技巧與策略。我國(guó)外語(yǔ)教學(xué)長(zhǎng)期以來(lái)十分重視并強(qiáng)調(diào)讀寫(xiě)之間緊密相聯(lián),無(wú)論是課程設(shè)置還是客觀學(xué)習(xí)條件,甚至是試題的分值都是向著提高閱讀理解能力傾斜,造成學(xué)生的英語(yǔ)閱讀理解率與其英語(yǔ)聽(tīng)力理解率之間存在顯著差異。其實(shí)適當(dāng)使用配有錄音的語(yǔ)言材料進(jìn)行英語(yǔ)閱讀訓(xùn)練,更有助于提高學(xué)生的閱讀流暢性,也有助于提高閱讀速度與整體的語(yǔ)篇理解率。筆者將英語(yǔ)閱讀和聽(tīng)力視為一個(gè)接受性語(yǔ)言技能整體,并以此來(lái)組織和實(shí)施英語(yǔ)教學(xué),如充分利用與課文配套的錄音進(jìn)行閱讀教學(xué),不但讀前聽(tīng),還要讀后聽(tīng),增加聽(tīng)力輸入的次數(shù)。將閱讀適時(shí)地引入聽(tīng)力教學(xué)中,營(yíng)造一種“以讀助聽(tīng)、以聽(tīng)助讀”的聽(tīng)力技能訓(xùn)練環(huán)境,使每位學(xué)生能借助自身的英語(yǔ)閱讀優(yōu)勢(shì),有效提高英語(yǔ)聽(tīng)力水平。同時(shí),筆者指導(dǎo)學(xué)生聽(tīng)獨(dú)白或短文時(shí)要養(yǎng)成找中心詞與主題句的習(xí)慣, 通過(guò)整體的語(yǔ)篇理解幫助獲取信息。

4. 將聽(tīng)力口語(yǔ)和寫(xiě)作練習(xí)結(jié)合起來(lái)進(jìn)行講解。例如人教版新目標(biāo)八年級(jí)Unit 6 “I am more outgoing than her.” Section B 2a,聽(tīng)力原文如下:

Interviewer: Who is your best friend, Holly?

Holly: Pete.

Interviewer: Why is he a good friend?

Holly: Because he likes to do the same things as I do. He’s good at sports.

Interviewer: Are you good at sports, too?

Holly: Well, I like sports, but Pete’s more athletic than me. I’d say we’re both pretty outgoing, though.

Interviewer: What else do you like about Pete?

Holly: He’s funnier than I am, and he’s wilder,I’m a little quieter.

Interviewer: How about you, Maria? Who’s your best friend?

Maria: My best friend is Vera.

Interviewer: What do you like about her?

Maria: Well, she’s a good listener, and she can keep a secret- that’s important to me.

Interviewer: Is she a lot like you?

Maria: Some people say that we look alike. We are both tall, and we both have long curly hair. But Vera is much quieter than me, and she’s also smarter. I’m more outgoing.

可針對(duì)這段聽(tīng)力材料先進(jìn)行聽(tīng)力訓(xùn)練,再要求學(xué)生將所聽(tīng)到的信息串聯(lián)起來(lái),進(jìn)行寫(xiě)作練習(xí),然后把自己所寫(xiě)的內(nèi)容以口語(yǔ)訓(xùn)練的形式復(fù)述出來(lái)。寫(xiě)作范文如下:Holly’s best friend is Pete. He likes to do the same things as Holly does. Holly is quieter than Pete. Pete is funnier and more athletic. They are both pretty outgoing. Maria’s best friend is Vera. They look alike, but Maria is more outgoing. Vera is much healthier and she is also smarter than Maria.

5. 將聽(tīng)力和語(yǔ)法結(jié)合起來(lái)進(jìn)行講解。如對(duì)人教版新目標(biāo)九年級(jí)Unit 6 “I like music that I can dance to.”語(yǔ)法定語(yǔ)從句的講解,可先聽(tīng)一段幾個(gè)人評(píng)價(jià)喜歡什么樣的音樂(lè)的聽(tīng)力材料,再聽(tīng)填信息,將定語(yǔ)從句的關(guān)系代詞挖空讓學(xué)生填空,同時(shí)加以講解。該聽(tīng)填信息材料如下:


Betty: Oh, look!There’s the new Cool Kids’CD.

Tony: The Cool Kids? Do you like them?

Betty: Oh, yeah. They’re my favorite band樂(lè)隊(duì). I like music _____ (that/which) I can dance to.

Tony: You’re kidding. I think they’re awful(難聽(tīng)的). I prefer music____ (that/which)has great lyrics...music ______(that/which) I can sing along with.

Betty: I like songs I can sing along with too. So what’s your favorite band?

Tony: The Lions. Their words are interesting and ...


Xu Fei: Look, Carmen. These T-shirts are great!Look at this one.

Carmen: What a great T-shirt, Xu Fei. I really love Dan Dervish. I like musicians(音樂(lè)家) _______(that/who) play different kinds of music.

Xu Fei: Hmmm...he’s Okay...

Carmen: He’s only Okay?! You must be joking.

Xu Fei: Well…I like musicians _______(who)write their own songs. Dan Dervish doesn’t write his own music.

Carmen: Hmm, well, I think he’s great.

Xu Fei: The Modern’s T-shirt is interesting.

Carmen: The Modern are really great. I love music ______ (that)is really loud and energetic.



中圖分類(lèi)號(hào):G633.4 文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)識(shí)碼:A 文章編號(hào):1003-8809(2010)10-0132-02




如在《新概念英語(yǔ)》第二冊(cè)的第八十九課“A Slip oftheTongue”中,設(shè)置的有關(guān)課文理解的問(wèn)題有淺層的和深層的兩類(lèi)。淺層問(wèn)題如:What will people do anything for?What gotround inthe to wn according to the text?How did people react to it?等等,關(guān)于以上問(wèn)題的回答,學(xué)生只要理解課文的表層意義就足矣。那么,對(duì)于深層問(wèn)題的回答,學(xué)生懂其內(nèi)涵是非常重要的。

②以True or False Statement要求學(xué)生作出正誤判斷,并當(dāng)答寨是F時(shí),要求學(xué)生陳述理由。




在八十九課中,句型People will do anything to…even if…教師呈現(xiàn)的情景是:Beijing Duck is a world famous dish.學(xué)生:Visitorsfrom all parts 0fthe world will do anythingtotryBeijingDuck evenifthey haveto queueforalongtime.


在八十九課學(xué)到We have hadto…andtheremusthave…一句時(shí),教師給出的句子是:They had to climbtheHuan Shan-Mountainforfive hoursto get to thetop.Some 0fthemwereexhausted.They gave up halfway.學(xué)生經(jīng)過(guò)分析、整理出:Theyhad toclimb the Huan Shan Mountain for five hours and theremust havebeen some people who gave up halfway.


在九十課“Brasilia”一文中的句型:The ideato…,will-have a(great)effecton…

在教師的例句:The idea toimprove English through imitationpractice has proved to havea grea t effect on students’English study之后,給出:importadvanced foreign technology學(xué)生就能仿說(shuō)出:The idea to importadvanced technology wiU have a great effect onthedevelopment ofour country.





在七十三課“The Record Holder”一文中,圍繞文中的男孩可以說(shuō)很多。如:The boy didn’t like so hool.He played truant,Hehiteh―hiked to many places and travelled 1,600 miles.Hewaspi eked up by apoliceman ontheFrench―Spanish horderandwassent backhome.以上小段的內(nèi)容主要來(lái)自課文,但學(xué)生根據(jù)自己對(duì)課文的理解,重新進(jìn)行了組織。這是一種創(chuàng)造活動(dòng)。學(xué)生也可根據(jù)自己的理解,加入自己的觀點(diǎn)。The boy’s very naughty.He wasnot well--behaved.He made his parents worried.He proba-blydidn’t enjoy schoollife.這一小段的呈現(xiàn)說(shuō)明了學(xué)生不僅徹底理解了課文,更重要的是他已經(jīng)與他的同學(xué)們和老師在交流自己對(duì)于這個(gè)男孩的看法了。是一種更高級(jí)的思維活動(dòng)。


如在七十五課“SOS”中,教師可以根據(jù)學(xué)生的不同英語(yǔ)水平,給出一些詞及詞組以降低難度:alight passengerplane--crashed--awoman and two babymorning--heard--stamp--SOS--a pilot--rescued.學(xué)生很快就能說(shuō)出:A lightpassenger plane crashed in the mountains.A womanand her twobaby--daughters were unhurt fortunately.Snow lav

thick onthe ground.Th e woman turned the suitcase into a bed atnightand put her two babies in it.The next morning

she heard aplane flving over and she stamped out SOS in thesnow.Itwasseen bythe pilot.They were rescued allast by a heli-copter.


低段的高中學(xué)生還不太善于較長(zhǎng)篇幅地連貫表達(dá)自己,這樣給予提示是比較恰當(dāng)?shù)?。如第八十九課中,給出的提示是“概要”中的內(nèi)容:points 1.local cinema――packed,2.P&u BirdSeed Co.3.Presenting free variety show 4.Many artists should…5.Fatedto turn up 6.Show very dull 7.Funny thing――8.Advertiserintroduced programme saying 9.This……gendemen


【關(guān)鍵詞】 初中英語(yǔ) 聽(tīng)說(shuō)課 策略


1. 激勵(lì)學(xué)習(xí)興趣,養(yǎng)成良好聽(tīng)說(shuō)習(xí)慣

學(xué)生在接觸新的知識(shí)時(shí)都會(huì)有十分濃厚的好奇心理和新鮮感,對(duì)將要開(kāi)始的英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)也是一樣。教師在進(jìn)行教學(xué)時(shí)要適當(dāng)?shù)恼{(diào)動(dòng)學(xué)生的這個(gè)心理,輔助學(xué)生培養(yǎng)出較好的聽(tīng)說(shuō)習(xí)慣,讓學(xué)生在開(kāi)始學(xué)習(xí)英語(yǔ)時(shí)就養(yǎng)成聽(tīng)和說(shuō)的習(xí)慣,能夠積極的對(duì)問(wèn)題實(shí)行提問(wèn)與回答以及培育出學(xué)生對(duì)錄音進(jìn)行模仿的習(xí)慣。教師可以對(duì)學(xué)生創(chuàng)設(shè)讀、說(shuō)的有利條件來(lái)引導(dǎo)學(xué)生積極開(kāi)始聽(tīng)說(shuō),例如,給學(xué)生進(jìn)行教學(xué)時(shí)可以利用“Thank you”、“I’m sorry”、“Hello”和“Good morning”等禮貌用語(yǔ)來(lái)進(jìn)行指導(dǎo),用容易的教學(xué)語(yǔ)言開(kāi)始給學(xué)生進(jìn)行教學(xué),例如,反復(fù)運(yùn)用一些常用到的詞匯比如:“Read after me” “Look at the blackboard”等等,通過(guò)這些多次重復(fù)練習(xí),使學(xué)生們聽(tīng)的次數(shù)開(kāi)始增加以后,讓學(xué)生們的腦子里產(chǎn)生一定的記憶,讓他們體會(huì)到自身的成就感取得滿(mǎn)足的同時(shí)也學(xué)到了知識(shí)。

2. 上課前三分鐘講英語(yǔ)

把每次的課前三分鐘留給學(xué)生,安排他們一個(gè)一個(gè)地用英語(yǔ)來(lái)進(jìn)行自我評(píng)價(jià)和值日?qǐng)?bào)告等。開(kāi)始這種活動(dòng)時(shí),教師首先編寫(xiě)出有相互象征性的報(bào)告用作范文,并且打印出來(lái)發(fā)給學(xué)生,從中選擇出幾個(gè)在語(yǔ)調(diào)及語(yǔ)音方面都顯現(xiàn)比較良好的同學(xué)做代表,讓他們逐個(gè)地在全班同學(xué)面前通過(guò)做類(lèi)似于同學(xué)們?cè)趯W(xué)校里的生活、平常生活中的自由談話以及某些小故事為內(nèi)容的報(bào)告。按照下面“I’m on duty today. It’s Sunny today. Today is Monday. We are all here ...”等形式做為報(bào)告內(nèi)容的開(kāi)始。一直到學(xué)生們可以掌握到的詞匯和句型數(shù)目增多以后,就引導(dǎo)學(xué)生們通過(guò)綜合上節(jié)課里學(xué)到的內(nèi)容再按照現(xiàn)實(shí)情況自己來(lái)添加內(nèi)容。教師聽(tīng)過(guò)學(xué)生們說(shuō)出的內(nèi)容之后,教師必須要對(duì)學(xué)生們進(jìn)行點(diǎn)評(píng),如果學(xué)生說(shuō)的好的地方需要教師進(jìn)行適當(dāng)?shù)乜洫?jiǎng),并且對(duì)學(xué)生說(shuō)的有問(wèn)題的內(nèi)容也要及時(shí)告訴他們同時(shí)幫助他們糾正。

3. 鼓勵(lì)用英語(yǔ)相互交談,讓學(xué)生提高英語(yǔ)興趣

促進(jìn)教師開(kāi)展聽(tīng)說(shuō)鍛煉及培養(yǎng)學(xué)生對(duì)學(xué)習(xí)英語(yǔ)產(chǎn)生興趣的基礎(chǔ)在于英語(yǔ)教學(xué)的本身要有好的開(kāi)始。教師在課堂教學(xué)時(shí),要做到進(jìn)一步地開(kāi)拓教學(xué)內(nèi)容,盡量把學(xué)生們的生活與英語(yǔ)教學(xué)內(nèi)容相融合,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生產(chǎn)生濃厚的求知欲,更好地提升學(xué)生們的學(xué)習(xí)興趣。另外,對(duì)學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)心理要進(jìn)行有效的指引,當(dāng)學(xué)生運(yùn)用英語(yǔ)來(lái)進(jìn)行相互交談時(shí),要予以恰當(dāng)?shù)墓膭?lì),這樣不但能達(dá)到讓學(xué)生們感受新型的語(yǔ)言在交談時(shí)所帶來(lái)的樂(lè)趣,還能幫助增強(qiáng)學(xué)生在聽(tīng)說(shuō)口語(yǔ)方面的本領(lǐng)。對(duì)于一些剛開(kāi)始接觸英語(yǔ)的學(xué)生,通常在口語(yǔ)方面的能力相對(duì)較差,很容易產(chǎn)生各式各類(lèi)的錯(cuò)誤,對(duì)于這類(lèi)學(xué)生,教師應(yīng)該選擇一些比較合適他們的話題和交談內(nèi)容,并且利用課堂對(duì)這些學(xué)生進(jìn)行正確的引導(dǎo),課堂里所學(xué)到的范文和練習(xí)冊(cè)上的最簡(jiǎn)單的交流用語(yǔ)和小短文,類(lèi)似于:“NO”、“Yes”、“Good morning.”、Hi.”和“Can I help you?”等做為材料,也可以做為學(xué)生們相互交談的內(nèi)容。

4. 鼓勵(lì)學(xué)生勇敢說(shuō),細(xì)心聽(tīng)

學(xué)生聽(tīng)的能力和說(shuō)的能力要從初中英語(yǔ)教學(xué)時(shí)就必須緊抓不放,這樣學(xué)生的聽(tīng)說(shuō)能力和知識(shí)積累才能同步提高。通過(guò)長(zhǎng)期進(jìn)行有效的鍛煉后,不但使學(xué)生的聽(tīng)說(shuō)能力提升,而且還能使學(xué)生的閱讀能力及寫(xiě)作能力也有顯著的提高。在進(jìn)行練習(xí)的時(shí)候?qū)毩?xí)的方法以及方式也要更加注重,盡可能地做到簡(jiǎn)單易懂,講清楚次要,比如有的人問(wèn)“Have you had yourbreakfast?”的時(shí)候,不能講“Yes, I have had my breakfast.”我們就應(yīng)當(dāng)答道“Yes, I had.”。另外,在初中英語(yǔ)的教學(xué)中,學(xué)生聽(tīng)說(shuō)能力的高低,并不在于學(xué)生掌握詞匯量的多少,而是學(xué)生在日常生活中是否敢于表達(dá),不必在乎對(duì)錯(cuò)。像這樣經(jīng)過(guò)創(chuàng)建問(wèn)題情景,學(xué)生會(huì)帶上問(wèn)題去分析、思索、處理。學(xué)生在問(wèn)題和相對(duì)應(yīng)的談話與溝通中思想得以開(kāi)拓,在聽(tīng)說(shuō)的互動(dòng)過(guò)程中使英語(yǔ)交流本領(lǐng)得以提升。從而經(jīng)過(guò)這樣長(zhǎng)期有效的聽(tīng)說(shuō)練習(xí),使學(xué)生們逐步積累學(xué)習(xí)經(jīng)驗(yàn),從而使學(xué)生們的聽(tīng)說(shuō)能力得到顯著提升。

5. 結(jié)束語(yǔ)





本學(xué)期開(kāi)學(xué)初,學(xué)校開(kāi)展了“百師百課”教學(xué)課題研究活動(dòng)。我受到啟發(fā),想趁此機(jī)會(huì)研究適合我校發(fā)展、適應(yīng)我校學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)的聽(tīng)說(shuō)課模。三月初開(kāi)始,我自己開(kāi)始收集資料,確立了以力求創(chuàng)新,在高品質(zhì)課堂的大前提下盡力開(kāi)發(fā)亮點(diǎn)課堂。以聽(tīng)說(shuō)課Module6 Unit1 《Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium?》為研究課例,展開(kāi)了教學(xué)研究,先后通過(guò)個(gè)人備課、集體研討、集體備課、課前修改整合教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)、教學(xué)實(shí)踐、反思修改、再次教學(xué)實(shí)踐、再次反思修改等若干步驟完成了聽(tīng)說(shuō)課模的建立。從教學(xué)效果來(lái)看,研究成果是喜人的。



Module6 Around town

Unit1 Could you tell me how to get the National Stadium?


教學(xué)內(nèi)容:外研版《英語(yǔ)》(新標(biāo)準(zhǔn))Module6 Unit1

(一) 教學(xué)內(nèi)容分析







能夠熟練使用turn,take,excuse me等動(dòng)詞和動(dòng)詞短語(yǔ);street, bank, museum等名詞;方位介詞along, across, opposite等詞匯。
















(一) 學(xué)生方面
















關(guān)鍵詞 初中英語(yǔ) 聽(tīng)說(shuō)課 教學(xué)

中圖分類(lèi)號(hào):G424 文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)識(shí)碼:A

Improving the Effectiveness of the Teaching of English Listening

and Speaking Lessons in Junior High Schools

――Taking the Teaching of Unit5 Films Reading1 Hollywood's all-time

best-Audrey Hepburn of Oxford English (9A) for Example

ZHANG Jinglu

(Nanjing No. 3 Junior High School, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210001)

Abstract Full-time Junior Middle School English Syllabus of Nine-year Compulsory Education (for Trial) pointed out that “the input of listening and reading should be appropriately expanded in English teaching so as to indeed improve students’ comprehensive abilities in applying English through large numbers of language practical activities. Therefore, enhancing the listening and speaking teaching of middle school English and giving full play to English communication ability is the guarantee of implementing the spirit of The Syllabus and comprehensively improving middle school students’ English quality and also the law of language teaching. Based on the summary on the teaching situations of a district open class in Nanjing, the paper puts forward some thoughts on improving the effectiveness of English listening and speaking lessons.

Key words middle school English; listening and speaking lessons; teaching


1 案例描述與點(diǎn)評(píng)

1.1 教材分析


1.2 教學(xué)過(guò)程

Step 1: Warm-up

(1)Ask students: Do you have idols? Why do you like him or her?(2)Tell students I also have my idol, her name is Audrey Hepburn.(3)Show three pictures of Audrey Hepburn.



Step 2: While-reading

(1)First listening: What is the evaluation(評(píng)價(jià)) of Audrey Hepburn around the world?


(2)Second listening: Do some “true” and “false” questions.


Step 3: Reading: Students finish the exercises in the paper without reading books.

Brief Introduction

?Audrey is one of Hollywood’s all-time greatest _1_.

?When she died, the world _2_ a great lady.

Audrey’s Experiences

?Her _3_ were put into ballet training at first. ?She attracted Colette’s attention, because she is beautiful and _4_. ?Audrey was chosen to play the _5_role of the film Roman Holiday . ?In her TV series, what she acted _6_us that the environment needed our _7_. ?Audrey _8_the Presidential Medal of Freedom. ?In 1993, Audrey’s _9_made all her fans very sad.


?People remember Audrey as a(an)_10_as well as an actress.



Step 4: Speaking

Group work: have a discussion

If we want to be successful like Audrey Hepburn, what should we do in our life?



Step 5: Homework

Find some information of a famous person in a book or on the Internet. Show it to us next class.

(設(shè)計(jì)意圖:學(xué)生通過(guò)書(shū)本與網(wǎng)絡(luò)的途徑去尋找信息,其中必定包含各種形式,如文字, 圖片,視頻等。學(xué)生通過(guò)篩選得到有用的信息,整理后以presentation的方式向大家呈現(xiàn),對(duì)于口語(yǔ)的提高有很大幫助。)

2 課后反思

2.1 聽(tīng)力訓(xùn)練要主次分明


2.2 設(shè)置語(yǔ)言情境,讓學(xué)生想開(kāi)口


2.3 重視學(xué)生的情感教育


3 結(jié)束語(yǔ)



[1] 何閩娥.如何提高初中英語(yǔ)聽(tīng)說(shuō)課教學(xué)的有效性[J].中學(xué)英語(yǔ)教與學(xué),2012(3):38-41.

[2] 教育部.義務(wù)教育 英語(yǔ)課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(2011年版)[S].北京:北京師范大學(xué)出版社,2011.

[3] 梁承鋒,張丹.初中英語(yǔ)新課堂教學(xué)法[M].北京:首都師范大學(xué)出版社,2010.

[4] 牛津初中英語(yǔ)9A(學(xué)生用書(shū))[T].南京:譯林出版社.